
I write about data to foster data literacy and spread critical knowledge around key debates in the domain.


Elezioni comunali 2021: come il giornalismo ha affrontato la sfida con i dati elettorali

A review of how Italian data journalism covered the 2021 municipality elections.

Dati inclusivi: risorse utili per comunicare equamente

Tools, initiatives, and debates around the topic of dataviz accessibility and inclusivity.

Come comunicare l’incertezza dei dati

Guidelines on communicating uncertainty in data visualization.

Dove trovo i dati che mi servono? Parte tre: Focus tematico sui dati di genere

Review of sources for gender data.

I dati sono sempre politici: anche quelli del censimento USA

A piece on how census data is not neutral but has political and civil rights implications.


Beyond Open-washing: Are Narratives the Future of Open Data Portals?

Piece co-authored with Matteo Moretti of Sheldon Studio

Cosa vuol dire occuparsi di dati con un approccio femminista

A piece on how to work with data integrating a data feminism perspective.

Come raccontare le elezioni con grafici e mappe

A piece on the nuances of communicating election data through maps.

Perché usare i dati nella cooperazione internazionale

Case studies on how to integrate data when working in international cooperation.

Quando la data visualization… è una coperta di lana

Review of data physicalization projects.

Dove trovo i dati che mi servono? Parte due: Liberare i dati “segreti” con il FOIA

Guidelines and resources for making a FOIA request.

Le disinfografiche: 5 modi in cui grafici e infografiche mentono, e come proteggerci

A piece on 5 ways infographics can lie.

Le mappe delle elezioni USA: strategie comunicative a confronto

Case studies on how different newsrooms adopted different mapping strategies to communicate the results of the 2020 presidential election.

Dove trovo i dati che mi servono? Parte uno: 30 siti da cui scaricare gratuitamente dati aperti

Review of data sources and open data portals

La mappa con i roghi dell’Australia: c’è qualcosa che non funziona in questa data visualization?

A piece on what maps can show and what maps can hide.

Ho scaricato dati da internet e ora non so come aprirli

A tutorial on how to efficiently import data in GSheets.

Cosa sono le tabelle pivot e a cosa mi servono

A tutorial on pivot tables in Gsheet.

Le competenze sui dati in Italia e in Europa

A report on data literacy education in Italy and Europe


Let’s get physical: how to represent data through touch

A tutorial in data physicalization for journalists.

Great data physicalizations, and what journalists can learn from them — Part 2

While working on Batjo, we surveyed dozens and dozens of data physicalizations. This post is the second of a series where I present an interdisciplinary selection of data objects and/or artistic installations, by focusing on projects that have potential applications/inspiration for journalism.

Great data physicalizations, and what journalists can learn from them — Part 1

While working on Batjo, we surveyed dozens and dozens of data physicalizations. This post is the second of a series where I present an interdisciplinary selection of data objects and/or artistic installations, by focusing on projects that have potential applications/inspiration for journalism.


Data-Driven News Installations

Announcing the launch of the first digital fabrication cookbook specifically targeted at newsrooms professionals. Learn how to make physical data installations to present news stories for your community.

Journalism & Dataviz: the Whos, Whats, Whys and Hows.

A brief report looking at the use of dataviz in 2017–2018 award-winning data journalism.

A Manifesto For Physical Digital Journalism

How can technology help newsrooms in their community engagement efforts and, at the same time, do so by offering alternatives to current methods of community-building that depend on mobile phones and social media? This is what we set out to investigate and imagine with the project Batjo: Bits, Atoms and Journalism.

Di cosa si occupa una data humanist. Intervista ad Alice Corona

I've been interviewed by Donata Columbro.


Social meets civic. Civic social media and open government data: An inquiry on collaborative fact-checking for citizens’ empowerment.

MA Thesis in Communication and Information Sciences, disserted at Tilburg University.


La guerra in Libia del 2011 e la stampa italiana: Rappresentazione mediatica di un teatro bellico

ENG TITLE: The 2011 war in Libya in Italian newspapers: media’s representation of a conflict of ‘national interest’. BA Thesis in History disserted at the University of Siena.